Overall, I am really happy with how these images came out. Firstly, in terms of photography, I found that the practice and asking Simon for advice on how to light my images perfectly was extremely beneficial. When going into the studio, I knew exactly what equipment I needed and what positions to put the photography equipment in, meaning that I was able to get everything set up in half an hour. Once I started shooting, the photos came out exactly how I wanted meaning that I had the optimum amount of time to take photos, leaving me with a lot to choose from. However, having not used the white background in my practice, I decided to use it as it gave a clean background and did not detract from the look. I also think that this gives more of a catwalk look as the main focus is on the clothing, makeup and hair.
Regarding the styling, I was very happy with this too. I know that if I had not ordered these clothes, I would not have created this look that I think is comparable to Chanel as a 'budget' version but rather a look that was just put together with clothes that I and my friends owned. This has taught me that going the extra mile when styling the look compliments the makeup and improves the overall look.
Despite all of this, taking on the role of the makeup artist, hair stylist, photographer, and stylist meant that I could not focus solely on the makeup, meaning that it suffered. When looking at the photos, I found that the makeup was not as perfect and flawless as I had hoped, despite practising it a few times before. This was because I was more focused on making the photos look good without realising that the makeup would be coming off or would need retouching. This meant that I had to edit the face more than I would like to, and I don't think that this is the point of this project. Therefore this shoot has taught me that it is more important to make sure that the makeup is the best it can be and where it has come off, it has been put on again so that it is not visible in the photos.
In addition to this, I found that the concealer and foundation I used on my model was either too dark or just did not match her skin. Having worked on this model before, I thought that this would not be a problem. However, as I was also not able to do the makeup in the makeup studios as my studio was booked for 9am, I found it difficult to do makeup with natural daylight rather than the artificial light of the studios. I believe this is a factor that hindered my ability to make the makeup look the standard I would have liked it to be. After this, I have decided that this evening I will practice the foundation on my model again and decide what colour or even if I am using the right product. This testing will hopefully enable the makeup for my day look shoot tomorrow of a better standard.