Wednesday 20 April 2016



  • Pintail comb to ensure the partings are neat
  • Small elastic hairbands to tie the ends of the plaits
5, 8 AND 11 BRAID:

  • To create a 5 strand braid, a section on the left of the hair and the right of the hair needs to be left. You are only working with the middle section. This section needs to be split into 5 parts. 
  • Once this is done, start a plait with the right 3 sections. 
  • Then, take the strand on the far left and bring it into that plait. Once this is done, you are working with whatever side of this section has 3 strands to plait, which will alternate. 
  • Keep plaiting with the 3 strands that appear on each side alternatively until you get to the bottom. Do not fasten with a hairband, fasten the bottom with a grip. 

  • To create an 8 strand braid, take the section on the right of the hair. Begin plaiting this. 
  • Whatever strand is on the left of this plait, it needs to be thread underneath and through the loop of the 5 strand plait that is on the far right. This needs to be done all the way down, and the plaits will connect like in the photo below. 

  • To create an 11 strand plait, the same as the 8 strand plait method needs to be done with the left section of the hair. This gives the effect like in the photo below. 


To create a dutch braid, the method is the same as french plaiting, however instead of taking the piece of hair over to the other side, you take it under to the other side. This gives the effect that it is on top of the head:


In order to create a waterfall braid, it is just like a french plait, however you do not take hair from the head on both sides, just on one side. In addition to this, once you have to bring the piece of hair from the left side over, leave that there and take a new piece from the right.


This is a continuation from the waterfall braid. Begin with a plait underneath, and when you get to the first piece of hair coming down from the waterfall and need a piece from the right, add this into the plait so that it connects to this bottom plait. Continue this all the way until you have used the pieces of hair.

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